This isn’t just another printable goal chart for kids. This chart is tailored specifically for children who are participating in the Home-Centered Learning program or who want to set spiritual goals in addition to physical, social, and intellectual goals.
If your child is like mine, they’ll want to display their chart so they can see their goals and progress often. This cute chart serves as a friendly reminder and is something fun that can go on the fridge, in the bedroom, or wherever your child will see it the most.
Its simple format allows your child the freedom to brainstorm what they want to accomplish and what steps they might take to achieve each goal. Younger children should strive to accomplish at least one goal per year in each category. Goals can be short-term, long-term, or a mix.
Why Kids Should Track Goals with a Chart
It’s been said that a goal not written down is simply a wish. I suggest one step further. A goal without a plan is also a pipe dream. It’s not likely to happen.
While goal setting may be a skill adults have acquired over their lifetimes, kids aren’t always getting the hang of it nowadays. Our lifestyles have changed, and some old-school ways have been dropped. But planning and measuring progress is needed. And working out a plan with a paper and pencil solidifies concepts more than using a digital format. Handwriting goals is a big deal. They’re more concrete in young minds, especially when displayed prominently for frequent reminders.
Goal Chart for Tracking Progress
You’ll note that the chart is designed to be nondenominational. While the Home-Centered Learning program and 2020 goal-setting launch are under the direction of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the youth goal initiative is for anyone—regardless of religious affiliation.
In my neighborhood, we see this program as the perfect opportunity to build common ground with those not of our faith. Each child who lives nearby is personally being invited to join. It is my hope that your neighborhoods may do the same.
With your download, print as many charts as you need for your child or for your church youth group. No commercial use, please.
NOTE: This goal chart was originally shared as a free resource for several years. I’ve since added it to my Etsy shop for a nominal price to ensure adequate downloads.
Setting Goals As a Family
You might also like to read this helpful post about setting goals with your family. There are some great ideas for talking about the “why” and helping children to be more successful at achieving their goals. It’s just one click away.
Jem Tumbaga says
This is great! This will be a great help for our programs. We are a NGO from the Philippines, who work to promote the welfare, uphold, and protect children’s rights, particularly children in street situations. Our organization Childhope Philippines, provide assistance to give hope to the children that are having trouble in life.
Kerry says
Your organization sounds wonderful. I am happy to have you use the printable. It makes my heart happy.
Jem Tumbaga says
Thank you so much! It really made a great result!